Animations and Skeletons
- Dialogue Emotion Manager (NVSE)
- Dialogue Emotion Presets – Misc
Wasteland Prospects – DXVK
- DXVK – Vulkan 1.3
- Enable this if your GPU supports Vulkan 1.3
Core and Frameworks
- New Vegas Heap Replacer
Animations and skeletons
- Enhanced Camera – Detached head hotfix
- Generally buggy and causes CTDs with NVR enabled
Wasteland Prospects – Custom Addons
- [REQUIRED] xLODGen Output
- This will temporarily be disabled until I can generate proper LODs
Core & frameworks
- New Vegas Script Extender
- JohnnyGuitar NVSE
- kNVSE Animation Plugin
Gameplay Tweaks
- Mental Stability System
Location and Worldspace Overhauls
- Desert Landscapes

Hey y’all, just here providing an update to the modlist for users who may have been having issues installing it, along with some mod updates and tweaks to some mods.
Generally, the necessary mods like NVSE and whatnot have been updated to address a few issues in the game itself, along with an update to Mental Stability System and some tweaks to make it a little more manageable. Additionally, LODs have been removed for now as they have been known to cause crashes around the Strip.
A couple new mods for facial expressions have been added, hopefully to bring more life to those stale looking faces.
For AMD users, and potential NVIDIA users, DXVK Vulkan 1.3 has been added eto offer better support for the games window and rendering. Use this if needed.